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           Lion Martial Arts Academy is an institution of learning. It may not be in the traditional sense of how you think of an academy but the goal is the same. Education, coming from the root word educere' meaning to lead out, we know that education isn't about putting into a person something of greatness. You come to us great, education is about leading out the greatness that's buried inside of you. Buried by work, or practical education, or from a lack of motivation. Kung Fu means cultivation of skill and we look to cultivate the greatness that's inherently found in each and every one of you. 

          The reason why Lion is chosen, and not the traditional Tiger or Dragon is because of the significance in the symbolic meaning of Lions. Lions are some of the smartest animals, specifically among predators. They hunt in packs and are social creatures. Likewise LMAA sticks together! We're more like a family than an authoritative school. Terms such as Si-Hing Si-Jie Si-Dai and Si-Mui denotes family members such as Kung Fu Brother and Kung Fu Sister instead of a dictatorship or position. Position without love can lead to abuse, position with love, as we have, leads to a more family atmosphere. As Lions are some of the smartest which allows them to be "King of The Jungle" so do we pride (pun intended!) ourselves on being intelligent in our training methodology and application. Intelligence wins you fights that physical gifts can't. Speed and strength might get you in the door, but intelligence ensures you know what to do as quickly and efficiently as possible. It being the body of the sphinx to show as the Lion is the King of the Jungle, so is the Human Being the King or Ruler of the Planet. A ruler shouldn't look for what they can take, but what they can give to the service of the planet and the community. We're invested in the service of the nature, of people, of animals, and of the entire universe as a whole. Every Human Being is a universe in and of themselves, so to help one, is to help a universe.

            Founded in 2018, it's fairly new to the Martial Arts scene but in a short amount of time has accomplished much. We have made great connections and contributions to the community in a small sense and at large. We’ve had community efforts, being apart of giveaways, supporting causes of justice, hosting seminars to help people feel safe and protected in their space, as well as giving them the tools and confidence to use the tools of self defense should it arise. We’ve partnered with Kula Yoga, Camp Blodget, Justice 4 All, Dwelling Place, AIM, Blue Bridge ALC, and GRCCT as well as other smaller named projects and organizations. We are a staple in the community! We’ve helped children and adults succeed and be winners in their field of training amassing 18 Medals in only 6 years and 2 of which were covid years and tournaments were very minimal.

             LMAA was birthed from the idea of offering cheaper Martial Arts Classes for those who have a harder time affording consistent training, or for people who have big families. That's our way of serving the community we come from, by offering a price that also suits low income families as well as not putting too much of a financial burden on families that are doing well. The ability to protect yourself is a human right, a human need and there’s no need to pay exorbitant fees to learn how to do it and be competent at it. LMAA is more than just an Academy, it's a community in and of itself that once you're apart of, you never feel alone. It's a mentoring program for children, a friend for adults, a protector of human rights for all, women, children, men, black, hispanic, lgbtq etc, and a hub for fitness for those who wish to get healthy, and those who continue the "fight" to stay healthy.

              LMAA uses Chinese Martial Arts as the base Martial Philosophy in it's teaching. A zen and Buddhist approach to everything and everyone. Never using the power of Martial Arts to humiliate, desecrate, injure, or bully others but always for the good of humanity in the fight for the downtrodden, rejected and/or despised without just cause. Treat others as you wish to be treated, and do no harm unless absolutely necessary, not even harming insects when it can be avoided.

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